These little ceramic adelie penguins came to me about the same time in the middle ‘80s. At least one of them was a gift. This was well before I realized I was collecting penguin ornaments as a hobby, and long before I would find out that memory takes an ever-accelerating dive as the years go by. I didn’t start assigning numbers and recording details until I had close to 200 ornaments.
The collection includes about 40 duplicates, triplicates or other multiples, some that I bought myself either intentionally or unintentionally. Others came as part of a set. I always tell people not to worry when they find out they’ve given me a penguin that I already have. I like having backups in case one breaks, and there are often subtle differences that make each one unique.
Acquired: mid 1980s.
Number: 0074 0075
Price: no record.
Size: both about 1.75 inches tall.
I just spent the morning catching up with the Penquins. Love them and their stories,