Sunday, March 7, 2010

Flying south

Who says penguins can’t fly? Don’t tell this little wooden pilot in his green airplane, because maybe they can. They have the ability to propel themselves out of the water and have been observed “porpoising” as it is called, when they are at sea. They are airborne, if only for a few moments, but it’s not really flying. At some point in the distant past, a great-great grandpappy and great-great grandma penguin were able to fly, just like other birds. Those are wings, not flippers, on the penguins we see today, and their bodies are covered with feathers adapted to the cold and water. It’s possible to see penguins fly at a number of zoo exhibits that allow you to watch them underwater. They zip around just like their feathered cousins in the sky. I’m flying today, too, on my way to Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara for a little relaxation in the sun.

Wood penguin in a green airplane
Acquired: 1980s, Macy’s Herald Square, New York City
Number: 0073
Size: 3 inches wide, 3 inches long and xx inches tall

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